Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So long farwell

I hope you all have a great summer! Good luck to those of you graduating and those of you going on and not taking graphics classes! To those of you continuing on in the career track - be sure to keep up with you skills and get those freelancing shoes on. Have a safe and healthy summer. I'll see you in the fall!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This counts for gallery attendance!!! Come free pizza and learn to shoot your work.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final project and Finals

Okay...so I just talked to Willie George and we should have the problem with the DVD drives fixed. You will put your blank CD in and it will pop open a box that will ask you for a region. PLEASE MARK REGION 1!! This is important! You should be able to burn it afterward. If you have further problems please let me know. ASAP so we can get this running before you finals date.

Don't forget you need for your project -
Your box / printed and folded to size
Your bottle / label printed and properly adhered
Your environmental photo / printed 8x10 at smallest under glass (get your posters out of the hallway)

1. Your DVD portfolio / This is of your best work (both semesters - 20 pieces) that you would show for your portfolio if you were to apply for a job. Made with idvd and burned onto a disc. Please mark this as DVD portfolio with your name on the disc. Make sure it runs before you turn it in.

2. A CD of Images / all the projects from the semester. PDF format only for illustrator files and jpegs for photos! The list of the projects is as follows: 1. rebus 2. crest logo 3. logos 4. identity project 5. film fest (all required files) 6. sga project 7. package design (photo of the box, bottle and environmental as well as pdfs of the flat box / label)

3. Resume / designed and printed should have a decisive logotype or mark for you.


Also don't forget you are required to be at the AIGA portfolio shoot (even if you are not in AIGA) this is a valuable skill that needs to be covered before you continue on the graphic design track or leave it. We will go over shooting in studio setting and without one. Make sure that you bring your work to shoot and your camera if you have one. Also pizza provided by AIGA. It starts at 5 pm on Wednesday in the DMS lab!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

For Tuesday

For Tuesday you must have a printed (B&W) is okay rough of both your bottle and your package. You must also come with images / pdfs of the semester and your resume in whatever format you have it in. We will be discussing resume and portfolio design for your final. Make sure that if you didn't make the first sketchbook check that you have your thumbs caught up for the final check.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thursday, May 6th

Well, guys the clock is starting to tick down. You need to have items to work on. Thursday will be a work day for your packaging. If you didn't make this sketchbook check off this time...make sure that you have all your sketches for the final check off.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, May 4th

GO SHOPPING! Check out a brand that you want to redo and move into box and bottle format. Make sure you have a direction before you head to the sketchbook.


Box - 15 front
15 back

Bottle - 15 front
15 back

Logo & or Logotype - 15 bottle
15 box

Total 90 sketches

THESE MUST BE NUMBERED IN YOUR SKETCHBOOK!! I WILL NOT COUNT THEM IF THEY ARE NOT NUMBERED. WILL BE LIKE YOU DIDN'T DO THEM. NOT GOOD!! Bring items to work on during class on Tuesday. Must have in order to have attendance grade for the day.

Also if you are stumped and looking for inspiration check out this link.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

thursday, April 29th

Hey guys,

Bring packages to class to disassemble (bring at least one box and one bottle) and start looking for packaging you really like and others that might do with a good redesign. You must have at least two packages to work during class on Friday. If you don't have a package you will be given a tardy because you will not be able to work during class. DON'T FORGET!!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Congrats to those of you who worked on these campaigns....here's the election results.

Senior Class:
President - Betsy Davis
Vice-President - Aaron Daigle
Treasurer - Leigh Andrews
Secretary – Casey Balthazar

Junior Class:
President – Karl Magnuson
Vice-President – Meredith Gunn
Treasurer – Lucas Littleton
Secretary – Anna Ezell

Sophomore Class:
President – Kylie McDonald
Vice-President – Kirby Lewis
Treasurer – Jordan Wilson
Secretary – Mary Ellen Poe

Don't forget to wear a good pair of walking shoes for Tuesday and bring a little extra cash.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the no critique day celebration - yes...they do exist!

Okay...for Thursday...we are doing something a little unsual. Here's the list...bring some small petty cash and you might want a camera of some sort. Also if you have any of these items bring it to class - DO NOT - I REPEAT - DO NOT BUY THESE ITEMS FOR CLASS, If you have some tape - bring tape. Duct tape is your friend and or masking tape. Card stock if you have some, newspaper, packing supplies, tissue paper, boxes, scissors, markers and if you have any laying around - gum. Also treats if you want to make them are always welcome:)


DON'T FORGET YOUR SUMMARY! send before class! also don't forget to dress up. extra credit to the extra items at critique and also extra credit to those that convince their candidates to come. vote campaigners this could be anyone on executive staff - jason castles doesn't count because he is already coming.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Voting Campaign and AIGA

If you are doing a voting campaign. This information needs to be there.

April 22 - 23
11 am - 1:30 pm
in the Student Union Building (and or use SUB abbreviation)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

please remember to send

don't forget to send me your images and posters. i will be grading off that and without them you will not receive a grade for the project. i will go over those i have not received on thursday. don't forget to come to the film fest tonight and see all the awards!

Monday, April 12, 2010

SGA campaigns

Okay...I realize that we have no break here, but I wanted to give you the list for the next project that you are going to be working on. Please contact your client and work within their needs for the SGA campaign. No poster will be posted without the approval of the candidate. AGAIN YOUR CLIENT MUST APPROVE FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT. Two posters will be due at the final - one 11x17 and one 8.5x11, you are only printing two. These will be up around the halls in approved poster zones and not under glass. You will be leaving your movie posters up. If you would like to do guerillas and political items for extra credit you are welcome to it. If you are doing a voting campaign - the goal is to get people interested and active in voting. You don't need to meet with a client beforehand...but will have to have everything approved. Your SGA posters must be up by Sunday and approved by Students Services by Friday, which means tight tight deadline. One copy of each poster will be printed by you and the rest will be given to the candidate to print out and use with their own budget. Before coming to class on Thursday, you must have concepts on the computer and have met with your client. There will be no graded sketchbooks for this project due to deadline. I would encourage them to use them to brainstorm. Here are your candidates...

VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / AJ Shelby
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Shinae Giffin
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Kristen Marks
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Josh Stephenson
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Zach Crossman
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Scott Goff
VOTE / jcastles@uu.edu / Treasure Hightower

having issues sending your file?

if you keep getting the bounce back message on your package please compress it / zip it (you can do this by clicking on your folder and going up to the menu for file / then select compress) and send to my personal e'mail account at melindaeckley@hotmail.com.


make sure before class that you have your sketchbook caught up, your summary in, things are where they need to be and you've got your files sent to me in the specifications needed. if any of these are missing - points will be deducted. PLEASE MEET OUTSIDE OF THE ART DEPARTMENT FOR CLASS. DO NOT COME TO THE DMS LAB! i'll see you then. don't forget to come out and see all your hard work in action at the film fest tonight at 6 pm or at the encore and award presentation on tuesday at 6 pm.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

they are up:)

Alright, they are up and going in the hall and hopefully you've got your guerillas up as well. The posters are looking good all in a pretty little row. What is not looking so hot is my inbox. Pretty empty guys. This is part of your grade. Get those pics in! We will be heading straight over to the hallway for critique on so please meet over there instead of the classroom. We will be checking out your pt. of display and your posters for critique. The guerillas will be graded in photograph form. Some I've seen in person some I haven't so make sure you take good photos and send them. MUST HAVE TO GET GRADE!!! ALSO DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR SUMMARIES BEFORE CLASS TIME AND CATCH YOU SKETCHBOOKS UP!! BRING THE SKETCHBOOKS TO CRIT - WILL DROP OFF IN MY OFFICE AND THEN WILL DO CHECK. Again do a quick check before your crit to make sure everything is where you want it. I'll see you then and good luck.

Friday, April 9, 2010

just to provide clarity

everything must be photographed / poster pdfed and sent digitally to me by five tomorrow. the posters will go up replacing your identity project in the hall. must be under glass by five saturday. also your point of display must be in place in the pac hallway (or if you are placing elsewhere please let me know when i go on the hunt at 5 pm on the dot). i will be trolling to see if things are in their places and not violating union standards and becoming fire hazards. the guerillas must be in place / proven with the photograph...i can't hunt them all down...but please leave them up and see what kind of response you get from them. again please make sure that everything is approved if going into someone else's area. if you have any questions drop me a line. hopefully this clears up any bugs that anyone might have had concerning details.

The five o'clock hour on Saturday

Okay guys...so here is the scoop. At 5 o'clock on Saturday please send me your photos of your guerilla and point of display and pdf of your poster. I won't be hunting for your guerilla but will be excited to see them around campus when we stumble upon them...make sure you get them cleared with the people whose space you are invading. As far as the photos please have the photos at 5x7 and 300 dpi in jpeg format. These are going to be included on the blueray dvd that is going to be for sale. GETTING THESE IN ON TIME IS ESSENTIAL part of your grade for the checkoffs and will knock you down points if not met. The point of display must be up in the PAC hallway by 5 pm. If not at that location please let me know. I WILL BE CHECKING AROUND CAMPUS FOR THESE. Your poster must also be up and hung in the hall underglass as well. The director's choice will be moved into the union station lobby for the festival itself.

Critique you will need to be appropriately dressed for the presentation, design summary needs to be e-mailed before class and everything needs to be up and ready to be viewed. DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR SKETCHBOOK NUMBERS!!! I WILL BE CHECKING BACK! PLEASE NUMBER! Also do a quick check beforehand to make sure everything is up and where it needs to be. If you have any questions please feel free to e'mail me. Good luck and I'll see you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 8th

Make sure that you stay on top of your thumbnails if you weren't caught up today. Also if you have a special site that you need to use for your point of display or guerilla campaign make sure that you get them cleared before you get going. Also if you are at a loss talk to your director they will give you some ideas that they have. Thursday try to come in with as much done as possible so that way at critique it will be a smooth process instead of bumpy one. Remember these need to be up by 5 pm on Saturday.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Again please remember we are dealing with real clients and real deadlines with this so please humor me as there has been an alteration again in the line up. Those working on two halves will be working on Ellen Kay's entry Pretty Solider Sailor Sun. That would be Matt Hughes, Zach Crossman and Ryan Brewer. If u have not had a chance to view the film please contact Kristi McMurray and she will send u a link. Please remember these films have nit been released and should not be released to friends or even other members of this class that were nit assigned to these films. Those who have been switched around on films, I apologize again real clients and I will offer a small amount of extra credit for the additional sketch work that u did for ur first movie assignment. Good luck and have a safe break!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Okay before you go on break...please check this over. I've had to do some moving around of names because we received two other submissions...at this point anything else submitted will not get promoted by the class...but because of this we've had to some moving around. Make sure that your assignment hasn't changed if it has please contact your director...also bear in mind that there might be several of your trying to get ahold of them and they might be out of state....aka Tyler Litton and Caleb Stallings. If this is the case, please start a facebook thread and all jump on that way they are not getting bombarded by you guys messages and can send out all the information you might need to one place. Please be respectful of your directors time and energy put into this film. Don't be pest. Nothing is worse than a pesty designer...pesty clients maybe but pesty designers are worse. So here is the new list. Please tell others to check this before break as well if they haven't seen it. Again 60 sketches of the concepts alternative, pt of display and poster group them together to make things easier on you and number!!! for your first day back.

Here's list....now you know who else is doing the movie as well. Keep this in mind...not a competition, but for a grade.

1. RACHEL KAPAVIK / "Thanks for the Tip"
-Shinae Giffin
-Allison Little
-Scott Goff

2. MARY ANNIS / "Alice's Adventures in Art School"
-Rob Alvey
-Megan March
-Lindsay Dawkins

3. TYLER LITTON / Homoginized
-Jonathan Anderson
-Mary Annis
-Colt Dixon

4. TYLER LITTON / In Remembrance of Her
-Sarah Lane Baskin
-Josh Stephenson
-Ryan Griffin

5. TYLER LITTON / The Storm
-Treasure Hightower
-AJ Shelby
-Kate Allen

-Zach Crossman
-Matt Hughes
-Ryan Brewer

-Mallory Carter
-Kim Middleton

8. BETH SPAIN / Gwen McReynolds: 800 Tangible Memories
-Rob Simpson
-Kristen Marks

9. BETH SPAIN / For Love of Rugby
-Jared Carpenter
-Casey Williams
-Katherine Crutcher

We are trying to find a way to post the videos for you all to see them...check back here during the break and I will post a link when I get it. Thanks again guys for all your hard work this past few weeks. The work looks good in the hallway already getting compliments! Have a wonderful and safe spring break!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday, March 25

Da Dum....Da Dum, DA DUM, DA DUM, DA DUM - shadow in the water - It's JAWS!!! NO IT'S CRITIQUE!!!!

So here is the low down...no summary for tomorrow. I'm going to looking pretty closely for craftsmanship and concept for these instead. Make sure that you have everything underglass, little piece of scotch tape goes a long way to holding those babies in there. Also make sure that you dress the part. Don't forget to include the front and back of each piece. If there is a cool funky aspect to the card that only gets the full effect when its presented in not under glass make an extra copy to pass around and get the awe effect. Don't forget about having a full sketchbook and please please number your sketches or I will give it back to you to number!!! Make sure you have the full amount!!!

Over spring break....here's the crazy schedule. Again real deadlines....they are killer. Sometimes more than sharks.


Poster under glass / 11x17 full color, full bleed

Alternative Promotional Items and or Guerilla Campaign
This could be an alternative ad that makes use of it's environment and placement. See class examples and type in guerilla
marketing in google and see the image list. Other option is an alternative item...you see it for movies all the time...the
godzilla shampoo when godzilla comes out at the theatre, the spiderman toothbrush, the klennex box with barbie on it, or
maybe it's the gamecase for xbox. The catch with these items is if it is an item that is tangible such as the toothbrush or
shampoo, you must consider the packaging as well as the item if it needs it. Ex. the game case also has the game disc.
Again think outside of the box...what gets people's attentions...what goes unnoticed that I can get someone to think is
special because it has my movie. Make them laugh and they are yours.

Point of Display / This can be any size and form...think creatively. This must be present in the hallway leading to the theatre. It can have electricity but cannot block fire exits or be a fire hazard. Everything must be approved by me and your director before going up. Go to the movies...what other class would you have this as an assignment over spring break and take a look around. You can come up with some pretty creative things just by the junk you have lying around your dorm I guarantee it. Put those hand skills to use!

All items must have a cohesive look and branding. Think about the logo type and style of the film before you start plunging ahead on paper. Make sure that you get in contact with your director as soon as possible when you get your assignments.

Tuesday, April 6 / 20 sketches for each concept / again three items per concept. Make this easier on yourself / group and number / work day!!! - make sure that you have a start on computer work / will reserve the right to ask for digital roughs on Wednesday if needed and concepts are rough.
Thursday, April 8 / printed b&w roughs due and final approval must be obtained by me and director
Saturday, April 10 / Finals up around campus by 5 pm
Tuesday, April 12 / CRITIQUE and film festival

I'm still waiting to hear the final results of the film entries...I will post on here as soon as I get them! Be checking! Again...any questions about any of this please feel free to ask, send an email or stop by the office.


No summary!!!

Make sure everything is printed front and back showing in frame.
Dress up!
Make sure glass is clean.
Make sure you print on 11x17 if you wanting a full bleed on 8.5x11 paper. Cut it down. Also double check to see if your business card is 2.5 x 3. Also if it is less that 8 pt text it is too small. If it is more than 11 pt text it's too big for sub information. The other business name can be larger but make sure you look for differences. Check marks and bleeds when you are making your pdfs to give to UPS...it will make your life easier. Place at .25 for all bleed sides and make sure that your document that you want to bleed over fits this. Don't go any closer than .5 or .25 to the side of the paper...those margins are important.

Good luck! More info about the film fest and assignments to come later tonight.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 23

Okay...so we need to finish up those final people that didn't go for critique on Friday. You three know who you are. If you would like a mini personal crit before hand just e'mail me and we will set up an appointment. For those of you who went today, make the changes that were suggested for critique today and resubmit for final grade. If you feel comfy with them as is, feel free to submit the same files. I will grade according to what I see on Monday. Each logo will be worth same point value so make sure that they are all strong.

Also I will check over your sketchbooks on Monday. Make sure that everything is stapled in. Your roughs may be all stapled together (all 20 in a packet) to one sketchbook page to save room. I will be checking for this. Make sure that you have all 200 thumbnails (if you didn't hit it the first time make sure you get it the second), 20 roughs and original logos in color (these can be stapled in as well). Be sure to have this ready to go.

We will be discussing business identity packages on Tuesday - these will be due for a full critique on Thursday, March 25th before spring break. I'm sorry for the tightness of this schedule but we really need to turn these around before our next project which you will get your assignments for right before spring break.

-You will need a 500 word summary for this one.
-Envelope / standard business size (front and back design space - so you will have to print two)
-Letterhead / 8.5 x 11 (front and back design space - so you will have to print two for your frame)
-Business card / 3 x 2.5 (front and back design space - again two)
-These will be under glass...take your frames out of the hallway. We will put them back up before spring break.
-Also be sure to be dressed and ready for this crit.

MONDAY - You need to have the finals of your 10 logos printed out and ready to be turned in.
You also need / 20 thumbs for each package item. Please put 10 per page...I will be picky about this. We will go over them on Monday and get you started for Thursday.

While you are thinking about these packages consider the nature of your business. Does it have to be a square rectangle...how to can I use this shape to my benefit? What does my client already interact with? How can I use these relations to my advantage?




On the all graphic design site...dig through their best of stationary / business card areas. Really got some great ideas to get you going.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thursday, March 18 CRITIQUE

Hey guys,

So crit tomorrow...low key....without all the glam of a normal crit. No summaries due for this one, be prepared to talk about design decisions for the logo. Make sure that you have all your research, roughs and thumbnails...your sketchbooks will be applied to your grade for this. No suits and ties this time. Make sure that your logos are printed off in quality color, centered with appropriate amount of white space on all sides as well as vertical page orientation / portrait style 8.5x11. Keep in mind the big crit is the following week of your business card package which will be on Thursday. March 25th...more details to come on that one.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 16

Make sure that you have all your logos printed out again...we are going to do a swap. These must be ready to go! Crit will be one Thursday. No summary for these this time around...the following critique a summary will be required. Also bring your sketchbooks so we can double check to make sure you have everything.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The caravan is leaving on Friday at 7:30 am from the Jennings. Fill your cars up with gas and I'll cover your tank on the way home...you must have a full car of people for me to cover it. We will be back by 6 pm. Make sure that you have your forms into my office asap!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday, March 11

For those of you going on Friday's field trip please have your forms turn in to my office by 3 pm tomorrow.

Thursdsay will be a work day for your logos. For those you that didn't have your logos printed please make sure that they are printed. These roughs can be later stapled in one large group (one sketchbook page) into your sketchbook together after they are marked up. For the students that got a quick crit be sure that you bring all your files to work and be ready to print if more drafts are needed.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 9th

Roughs due on Tuesday. Must be printed out one per page / B & W / centered. 2 roughs per logo. Make sure that you have six logos that reflect on symbol and text while four are logo type. REMEMBER 2 ROUGHS PER LOGO! For those of you headed to Texas have a safe trip and I'll see you all on Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thumbnails due tomorrow

Hey guys,

Only thumbnails are due tomorrow...all 200. Must be ready to be checked. We will look through these and get feedback. Be ready to work tomorrow!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Class Tuesday and Thursday

Come to the painting lab in the art department for the workshop on Tuesday during the alloted class time. I will be taking attendance at the top of nine AM hour so make sure that you are there. Bring your sketchbook:)

Okay...for the big assignment...

10 total logos for different businesses (no national corporations...think local / small that you might actually be able to pitch these to if they are good)

6 logos need to be text / symbol
4 logos need to be logotype

2 roughs per logo

20 thumbnails per logo / 10 on a sketchbook page - these are due at the top of the hour on Thursday and will be checked.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Class Thursday

Logorama Crest due for class on Thursday.

Must be in color on 8.5x11. Must contain 15 ELEMENTS (not the full logo) of the logos that you shot around town to form a crest. The crest must be 5x5 in dimension. Centered on the page. The text box with the identification of the logos numbered must be 1/2 inch down from the crest. The left side of the text box must align with the 5.5 inch mark. The text will be in Myraid Pro and set at 10 pts.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sketchbook for weekend

Sketchbook Assignment for Monday

Draw items that you own of three different brands that you love. Whatever you own with these three brands on them please draw them in your sketchbook. These must be brands that you seek out to buy. Off to the side of these drawings please write what you think of emotionally when you see the brand and why you might buy the brand over others. See you Monday!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday, Feb. 18

CRITIQUE DAY!!! - Be sure to check through your sketchbook. Don't forget your summary. Everything ready to present and under glass. Must be critique day appropriate in dress.

Also...please make sure that you do not center your text in your rebus project! Make sure to align and center your text box on the page...not the text itself.

Make three branded icons - done in illustrator. Consider a consistent style and color choices. These effect the view of the brand. How can we change the meaning and tone of these signs to fit better within the brand as a whole. Perhaps, it's look, color or even a tag line. These will need to be printed out and pasted in your sketchbook for THURSDAY!! Please have these in there...pasted in.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

PROJECT 1: The Rebus

PROJECT 1 / DUE ON THE 18th of Feb. - Thursday

-Must have a 500 word summary submitted digitally before 8 am
-Project must be matted under glass
-11x17 printed in B&W
-Text must contain 10 different rebus structures
-Text must be in the center of the page / equal margin / manuscript (one column) grid
-Sketchbook must be ready to turn in at the beginning of critique

Make three (as many as five) icons representing your home town - done in illustrator. Consider a consistent style and color choices. These must be printed out in your sketchbook and in pdf format for the class to look at for Tuesday.

-Don't forget to make the changes to your signage discussed in class and print off for sketchbook. Also print in and paste your map that you made of your snow day activities. If you didn't do one...please complete before your sketchbook turn in at critique.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Here is that list of events from the art department. Remember 75% attendance...counted toward final grade.

Tuesday, February 16, 3:05 p.m.
Lee Benson’s department-wide lecture
D-3 (This is during the regular art history hour but NOT the regular art history room)

Monday-Tuesday, March 1-2
Matt Long Two-Day Ceramics Workshop
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day with break for lunch

Thursday, March 11, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: Lee Benson faculty exhibit
Art gallery

Monday, March 15, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: Cynthia Greene exhibit
Art gallery

Monday, March 22, 8:00 a.m.
Deadline for student show submissions. Forms will be in
Angela’s door box in about a week. Only two submissions per
person this year.

Wednesday, March 25
10 am James Romaine speaks in chapel
3:05 p.m. James Romaine addresses the art dept., D-3

Monday, April 5, 12:00 noon
Deadline for art scholarship applications. Form will be in
Angela’s door box in about a week.

(Note: James Romaine, art historian, is also making himself available to give a few one-on-one critiques. The sign-up sheet and times are on the wall outside Mrs. Angela’s office. First come, first serve!)

Thursday, April 22, 5:30
Student Show Reception/Awards/Scholarship Presentations

Tuesday, April 27, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: McDaniel Family exhibit
Art gallery

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hey guys,

Your assignment for the snow day is to make a map of your snow day activities only using icons. No words. Make the map in illustrator and print off for your sketchbook. An example of a map...this could show I went the U to sled...then off to the cafeteria...or maybe its just the progression of you around the apartment...I moved from the couch to chair, to fridge to bed. All must paths and destinations must be shown with drawing...no words. Don't forget your signage assignment for Thursday and I'll see you then.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


TUESDAY CLASS - Make sure that you have your signs THREE from the narrator project ready to go in the morning. Must have a pdf file format to show. Should eventually be printed off and included in your sketchbook.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Welcome to Design 2: Branding and Corporate Identity!

Design Thought for the Day:
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to under-estimate the ingenuity of complete fools."

Douglas Adams