Friday, April 29, 2011

Tuesday, May 3rd

Bring a cool package to class on Tuesday. Just something you have laying around that you like. See you on the look out for something to transform into a cool package design. Think bottle and box.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday, April 26th

Don't forget...You need to have a poster 11x17 in the hallway on one of the bulletin boards up on Tuesday (date changed due to holiday...if you could get the files to them sooner that would be a good for your client and not just the course). You also need to have an approved guerilla marketing piece and alternative marketing piece. These you are only responsible for one item but if your candidate likes the idea you may give them the files to produce more. Campaign items will be up for the following week. The election will be held later in the week and all campaign items will have to come down by the following Sunday. Don't forget to turn in your 500 word summary electronically that Tuesday morning. We will meet over in the PAC hallway in front of the art department to start the search for your items. It will be a walking critique if you would like your candidate there let them know. Bonus points could be involved:)

Have a wonderful Easter and safe trip!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Working with your Client

Hi guys,

So today you got schooled in politics. Now it's time to test out your skill set. For this project you need to have:

1. logotype for your candidate (also brainstorm a slogan together with your candidate)
2. poster (11x17 you are responsible for having this one up) the candidate will have a budget and you will give over the files to print so that they can put the rest up for their campaign.
3. guerilla marketing campaign item (this has be approved by me before it goes up)
4. alternative piece (this can be apparel, buttons, hats - think fun and unusual to get noticed)

You must have you roughs for each piece of this for Thursday. If you do not get these approved by both the professor and client you may not put them up. The finals need to be in the hallway and in the hands of your client by Monday, April 25th. Campaign week is all the following week. We will do critique on location on Tuesday, April 26th starting in the main hallway and then working way around the campus to see where things got put up and how the campaign deals with additional poster noise. Sorry for the tight deadline guys but this is how it is in the real world working for clients. Those of you missing in class today you should have received a text notifying you of who your candidate is and their phone number. Please get in touch with them and brainstorm ideas before Thursday.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday, April 12th

Hey guys,

Please have your final round of roughs ready to go. These must be printed /B&W and functional. If you are feeling pretty good about them print in color you might be ready to go for critique on Thursday. For Thursday...

You must have
500 word summary turned in
Under glass you must have...
working envelope / front and back showing
business card front and back showing
letterhead front and back showing

If you card has an important feature / pull out or flips need to have a spare outside the frame to show the class how it functions. Also...these will go up in the hallway so make them good!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thursday, April 7th

Roughs of each item will be due in class in black and white format for Thursday. You will have another set of roughs due in color for Tuesday the following week. The final version of the business card, envelope and letterhead will be due for Thursday the following week. Make sure that you have these all printed out and in a working manner for every deadline. Going to be important to getting your full grade. your attendance guys! Don't forget to register for ACT! It's part of your requirements for the course for the semester.