Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, May 4th

GO SHOPPING! Check out a brand that you want to redo and move into box and bottle format. Make sure you have a direction before you head to the sketchbook.


Box - 15 front
15 back

Bottle - 15 front
15 back

Logo & or Logotype - 15 bottle
15 box

Total 90 sketches

THESE MUST BE NUMBERED IN YOUR SKETCHBOOK!! I WILL NOT COUNT THEM IF THEY ARE NOT NUMBERED. WILL BE LIKE YOU DIDN'T DO THEM. NOT GOOD!! Bring items to work on during class on Tuesday. Must have in order to have attendance grade for the day.

Also if you are stumped and looking for inspiration check out this link.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

thursday, April 29th

Hey guys,

Bring packages to class to disassemble (bring at least one box and one bottle) and start looking for packaging you really like and others that might do with a good redesign. You must have at least two packages to work during class on Friday. If you don't have a package you will be given a tardy because you will not be able to work during class. DON'T FORGET!!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Congrats to those of you who worked on these's the election results.

Senior Class:
President - Betsy Davis
Vice-President - Aaron Daigle
Treasurer - Leigh Andrews
Secretary – Casey Balthazar

Junior Class:
President – Karl Magnuson
Vice-President – Meredith Gunn
Treasurer – Lucas Littleton
Secretary – Anna Ezell

Sophomore Class:
President – Kylie McDonald
Vice-President – Kirby Lewis
Treasurer – Jordan Wilson
Secretary – Mary Ellen Poe

Don't forget to wear a good pair of walking shoes for Tuesday and bring a little extra cash.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the no critique day celebration - yes...they do exist!

Okay...for Thursday...we are doing something a little unsual. Here's the list...bring some small petty cash and you might want a camera of some sort. Also if you have any of these items bring it to class - DO NOT - I REPEAT - DO NOT BUY THESE ITEMS FOR CLASS, If you have some tape - bring tape. Duct tape is your friend and or masking tape. Card stock if you have some, newspaper, packing supplies, tissue paper, boxes, scissors, markers and if you have any laying around - gum. Also treats if you want to make them are always welcome:)


DON'T FORGET YOUR SUMMARY! send before class! also don't forget to dress up. extra credit to the extra items at critique and also extra credit to those that convince their candidates to come. vote campaigners this could be anyone on executive staff - jason castles doesn't count because he is already coming.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Voting Campaign and AIGA

If you are doing a voting campaign. This information needs to be there.

April 22 - 23
11 am - 1:30 pm
in the Student Union Building (and or use SUB abbreviation)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

please remember to send

don't forget to send me your images and posters. i will be grading off that and without them you will not receive a grade for the project. i will go over those i have not received on thursday. don't forget to come to the film fest tonight and see all the awards!

Monday, April 12, 2010

SGA campaigns

Okay...I realize that we have no break here, but I wanted to give you the list for the next project that you are going to be working on. Please contact your client and work within their needs for the SGA campaign. No poster will be posted without the approval of the candidate. AGAIN YOUR CLIENT MUST APPROVE FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT. Two posters will be due at the final - one 11x17 and one 8.5x11, you are only printing two. These will be up around the halls in approved poster zones and not under glass. You will be leaving your movie posters up. If you would like to do guerillas and political items for extra credit you are welcome to it. If you are doing a voting campaign - the goal is to get people interested and active in voting. You don't need to meet with a client beforehand...but will have to have everything approved. Your SGA posters must be up by Sunday and approved by Students Services by Friday, which means tight tight deadline. One copy of each poster will be printed by you and the rest will be given to the candidate to print out and use with their own budget. Before coming to class on Thursday, you must have concepts on the computer and have met with your client. There will be no graded sketchbooks for this project due to deadline. I would encourage them to use them to brainstorm. Here are your candidates...

VOTE / / AJ Shelby
VOTE / / Shinae Giffin
VOTE / / Kristen Marks
VOTE / / Josh Stephenson
VOTE / / Zach Crossman
VOTE / / Scott Goff
VOTE / / Treasure Hightower

having issues sending your file?

if you keep getting the bounce back message on your package please compress it / zip it (you can do this by clicking on your folder and going up to the menu for file / then select compress) and send to my personal e'mail account at


make sure before class that you have your sketchbook caught up, your summary in, things are where they need to be and you've got your files sent to me in the specifications needed. if any of these are missing - points will be deducted. PLEASE MEET OUTSIDE OF THE ART DEPARTMENT FOR CLASS. DO NOT COME TO THE DMS LAB! i'll see you then. don't forget to come out and see all your hard work in action at the film fest tonight at 6 pm or at the encore and award presentation on tuesday at 6 pm.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

they are up:)

Alright, they are up and going in the hall and hopefully you've got your guerillas up as well. The posters are looking good all in a pretty little row. What is not looking so hot is my inbox. Pretty empty guys. This is part of your grade. Get those pics in! We will be heading straight over to the hallway for critique on so please meet over there instead of the classroom. We will be checking out your pt. of display and your posters for critique. The guerillas will be graded in photograph form. Some I've seen in person some I haven't so make sure you take good photos and send them. MUST HAVE TO GET GRADE!!! ALSO DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR SUMMARIES BEFORE CLASS TIME AND CATCH YOU SKETCHBOOKS UP!! BRING THE SKETCHBOOKS TO CRIT - WILL DROP OFF IN MY OFFICE AND THEN WILL DO CHECK. Again do a quick check before your crit to make sure everything is where you want it. I'll see you then and good luck.

Friday, April 9, 2010

just to provide clarity

everything must be photographed / poster pdfed and sent digitally to me by five tomorrow. the posters will go up replacing your identity project in the hall. must be under glass by five saturday. also your point of display must be in place in the pac hallway (or if you are placing elsewhere please let me know when i go on the hunt at 5 pm on the dot). i will be trolling to see if things are in their places and not violating union standards and becoming fire hazards. the guerillas must be in place / proven with the photograph...i can't hunt them all down...but please leave them up and see what kind of response you get from them. again please make sure that everything is approved if going into someone else's area. if you have any questions drop me a line. hopefully this clears up any bugs that anyone might have had concerning details.

The five o'clock hour on Saturday

Okay here is the scoop. At 5 o'clock on Saturday please send me your photos of your guerilla and point of display and pdf of your poster. I won't be hunting for your guerilla but will be excited to see them around campus when we stumble upon them...make sure you get them cleared with the people whose space you are invading. As far as the photos please have the photos at 5x7 and 300 dpi in jpeg format. These are going to be included on the blueray dvd that is going to be for sale. GETTING THESE IN ON TIME IS ESSENTIAL part of your grade for the checkoffs and will knock you down points if not met. The point of display must be up in the PAC hallway by 5 pm. If not at that location please let me know. I WILL BE CHECKING AROUND CAMPUS FOR THESE. Your poster must also be up and hung in the hall underglass as well. The director's choice will be moved into the union station lobby for the festival itself.

Critique you will need to be appropriately dressed for the presentation, design summary needs to be e-mailed before class and everything needs to be up and ready to be viewed. DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR SKETCHBOOK NUMBERS!!! I WILL BE CHECKING BACK! PLEASE NUMBER! Also do a quick check beforehand to make sure everything is up and where it needs to be. If you have any questions please feel free to e'mail me. Good luck and I'll see you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 8th

Make sure that you stay on top of your thumbnails if you weren't caught up today. Also if you have a special site that you need to use for your point of display or guerilla campaign make sure that you get them cleared before you get going. Also if you are at a loss talk to your director they will give you some ideas that they have. Thursday try to come in with as much done as possible so that way at critique it will be a smooth process instead of bumpy one. Remember these need to be up by 5 pm on Saturday.